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- History.txt
- ===========
- 0.0 (5/1/95)
- -------------
- Initial ALPHA
- 0.5 (10/01/95)
- --------------
- Released BETA (fixes to fix apparent news posting problems)
- newsfeeds news.demon.co.uk alias changed from "demon" to "demon-news".
- nntpsend.ctl news.demon.co.uk alias changed from "demon" to "demon-news".
- 0.51 (11/01/95)
- --------------
- Returned the 0.0 release:
- newsfeeds news.demon.co.uk alias changed from "demon-news" to "demon".
- nntpsend.ctl news.demon.co.uk alias changed from "demon-news" to "demon".
- The alias is used for checking whether the article has been sent
- through a specific news server (thus it does not resend an article
- that has "news.demon.co.uk" or "demon" in the patch header line)
- Silly me :)
- 0.6 (15/04/95)
- ---------------
- /etc/aliases Added
- /etc/inetd.conf Removed. Just make sure that the "nntp" line is commented
- out (I removed it because it was a bit of an overhead just
- to say that!).
- slurp Version 1.10 - various improvements, including a error
- number output on error. I compiled this to put news batches
- into the correct place (/var/spool/news/in.coming/tmp).
- getnews Modified for use with new Slurp, to allow news server
- retries. Also the finished news batch gets moved from .../tmp
- to the in.coming directory for unbatching. Moved sending of
- local news to this file ... the filename may be a little
- misleading now, but who cares ;)
- Newsfeeds Do not send groups that have been through news2 or peernews.
- INN.ins * Explanation for aliasing usenet and news users (in /etc/aliases)
- * Added more FAQS, or rather TAQS (Twice-Asked QuestionS :^)
- FILES.descript * This got corrupted in 0.51
- Permissions Added new file "Permissions", to show file permissions.
- 0.61 (20/07/95) - packaged released as part of slack-help.2.3 package only.
- ---------------
- README Mentioned about Slack-INN being packaged as part of the
- Slack-help package.
- Permissions Got rid of file - detarring this package yields the correct
- permissions, so this is redundant really.
- INN.ins Mentioned about setting NNTPSERVER for NNTP access for news
- readers (set in /etc/profile and /etc/csh.login). Corrected
- error in description in a FAQ (when news is being downloaded,
- it is put in the tmp news spool directory, so the "rnews -U"
- was not commented out of news crontab for v0.6!). Mentioned
- about non-usage of news2 in FAQ. Mentioned about "dummy" net
- driver. Generally explained a few sections better (upon
- recommendation).
- FILES.descript Mentioned adding YOURHOST.demon.co.uk, as there is currently
- a little bugette with the kernel's implementation of sockets
- (this is a work-round)
- aliases DELETED. This is covered in the Slack-help base package.
- hosts DELETED. INN gives an error in /var/adm/syslog on loading,
- but it's another of those "still works" type messages (ie it
- gives the error, but still works fine). A suitable hosts
- file is covered in the BASIC package.
- expire.ctl Change news.announce.newusers to expire after 31 days (there
- would be a bit of a build-up otherwise ;)
- hosts.nntp Added YOURHOST entry. Added "pubnews" entry (as backup).
- disrupt and disturb are two other currently named backup
- news servers which could be added (and to slurp.sys), but
- where do you stop? My *guess* is, when the distributed
- news server comes on-line, the only names you should be
- using are "news" and "pubnews". A futher word of warning
- on this - pubnews is not a guaranteed news server, so you
- shouldn't rely on it.
- nnrpd.access Added YOURHOST entry
- slurp Recompiled v1.10, setting the number of free blocks to zero
- (default is 4000 = 4MB). This was done so that people who
- have small news spool areas and only download a small(ish)
- amount of news (and I found it a pain ;^). Set batch files to
- download to .../in.coming/tmp, to save unbatching corruption.
- For those who want to use your own settings, download the
- source and recompile. I also changed the file ownership of
- "slurp" to news.news (from root.root) ... oops.
- slurp.sys Deleted comp.os.linux entry (expired group). Duplicated all
- newsgroup entries for server "pubnews.demon.co.uk" (use as
- a backup server).
- start.dip DELETED. This is now covered in the BASIC package's start.dip.
- getnews Name changed - to "procnews", to specify better what it does.
- Copied and modified John Phillips's new procnews for use with
- INN (for standardisation).
- 0.62 (06/05/96) - packaged released as part of slack-help.2.3 package only.
- ---------------
- slurp Recompiled for ELF (left an aout version aswell). ELF version
- has header size limit changed from 512 bytes to 2048 bytes
- (this is to fix the problem with SLURP splitting header lines
- on 512 byte, and causing INN to reject the article).